May, Closing The Chapter

Behind The Scenes

As May comes to an end, so does spring time; the gentle blossom and rich greens are making way for the vibrant flowers and warm evening sunsets. I’m pretty sure that I can speak for most photographers now, when I say that we are in our element; with nature creating the perfect backdrops for our imagery.

When I’m not taking photographs, I’ve really enjoyed catching up with many of my Photographer Mentorship Clients, checking in and seeing how they are getting on. They are all doing incredibly well, finding their perfect ideal clients, quickly filling their diaries and loving every moment of running their business. I couldn’t be prouder of them.

I’ve also had a number of Viewings with my clients. After a Rural Moments or Rural Lifestyle Photoshoot, my clients will have a Viewing. This is the opportunity for them to bring family and friends together to view their collection for the very first time in the comfort of their own home. Each photograph, edited in my signature style, is showcased individually to music. It is an incredibly special and emotional experience.

I freelanced for fellow photographer Carol Street Photography at the South Suffolk Show this month, in the livestock rings and Grand Parade. This was my second year at the show, freelancing for Carol, and I always have a brilliant day. Surrounded by sheep, cattle & pigs – I certainly can’t complain.

To finish a perfect May, I am currently in detailed planning stages with a fellow photographer for a Creative Shoot that we are planning. It is based on something neither of us have done before, so it will be really exciting to see how the plans unfold. Watch this space!


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