“Lucy Newson, a passionate photographer with a deep connection to the countryside, unfolds a captivating narrative through her lens, revealing the ever-changing tapestry of rural life. For Lucy, inspiration is woven into the fabric of the countryside – in the people, their unique lifestyles, and the animals and scenery that define farm life. In Lucy’s approach to her subjects, whether they be people or animals, capturing a genuine connection replaces excessive posing to seize authentic moments. Spending up to three days with her clients to observe the intimacy of their lives, Lucy’s work is deeply influenced by a discovered suitcase from her late Grandma, which provided a treasure trove of ancestral photographs from 1920 depicting life in her family’s smallholding. This rich heritage fuels her desire to offer clients a timeless legacy, capturing moments that will be cherished by generations to come.”

– The British Institute of Professional Photography